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Sail Panel Customisation - Mk2

Revision as of 21:19, 20 February 2011 by Monkeyra (Talk | contribs)

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The Ford Mondeo hit our roads in 1993, and has consistently been a sales success. Now on its 4th incarnation, it remains a drivers favourite.
For more information, visit the Ford Mondeo forum on, the definitive resource site covering all Fords from the present day to the 1970's.

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Mk2 Sail Panel Customisation


Before you start, a lot of care is required as the plastic with the badge in is FRAGILE and breaks easily!


With the door sails off the car, apply pressure to the top of the sail to start it separating

Use a 2" scraper and slide it in between the back plate and the plastic front


Work the scraper down between the back plate & front plastic, working it gently all the way


Working the scraper and applying a little pressure, carefully prise the two layers apart - they will eventually seperate.

Once they're apart, either the back or the fronts can be rubbed down and painted. I used 1200grade wet/dry paper on the front of mine, painted & lacqured them to the colour of my car, then had some stickers made up (so you could have what ever you wanted on them)

I glued them back in position with a an epoxy resin, left them to dry for 24hrs and hey presto!

Mine started out as Ghia ones then changed to what I have now


Another Method: Designed By H.R.P