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Puddle Lights Front *aftermarket* - fitting and wiring

Revision as of 16:54, 25 August 2011 by Rik Ambler (Talk | contribs)

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Fitting and wiring of front "under door" puddle lights to the Mk3 mondeo

Equipment needed :

Philips screwdriver

T25 torx driver

Small flathead screwdriver

Stanley knife

Several meters of wire (Black for neg and another colour for posi)

Scotch Locks or Soldering iron

self adhesive LED strip lighting (your own desired length)

Heatshrink tubing or electrical tape

Getting started

You'll need to remove the front door cards. This is done by undoing the 6 screws around the edge of the door card. Theres a T25 torx in the interior door handle recess behind a plastic cap, (this cap is easily removed with a small blob of blu tack on the end of your finger), and a screw in the wing mirror cover which will also need to be removed along with 2 philips screws inside the door pull which are accessible by removing the inside of the door pull by prising it with a small flathead screwdriver. With the door mirror cover out of the way the door card should lift up and off with ease.

Insert pics here

Once you have the door cards off, you'll need to remove the speaker pod. This is the 7 philips screws around the edge, NOT the 4 at the corners of the speaker unit itself. Once the screws are out it should pull out enough to undo the plug at the rear and remove completely.

Insert pics here

Now you'll need to cut small holes into the door end of the rubber boot, or trunking that carries the existing wiring loom. The other end id different for each door, the passenger side has a blank grommit which you can cut to gain access but on the drivers side you'll need to drill a small hole and insert a small grommit yourself, see pics for position. An alternative to this is to feed the wire through the existing trunking and out through holes which you will have to drill in the centre of the multi plug itself. This option maybe neater, but a) I didn't think of it at the time, and b) it means my multi plugs are still intact should I wish to add further mods.