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Droplink Replacement - Rear

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The Ford Mondeo hit our roads in 1993, and has consistently been a sales success. Now on its 4th incarnation, it remains a drivers favourite.
For more information, visit the Ford Mondeo forum on, the definitive resource site covering all Fords from the present day to the 1970's.

Fordwiki infobox.png
Overview Guide
Ford Model: Mondeo Mk3
Petrol/Diesel: ????
Estimated Cost: ?
Difficulty? ?????
How long does this take? ?????

The tools/Equipment needed:


A good sturdy jack with a SWL in excess of your car

2 solid jack stands with a SWL in excess of your car

2 wheel chocks

1/2" Drive ratchet with 19mm socket

5mm Allen key

15mm spanner (Ratchet spanner would be ideal)

1/2" Drive torque wrench

Large flat ended screwdriver

Your cars locking wheel nut (if applicable)

To start place the car on a flat surface and engage either 1st gear or reverse and chock both front wheels, loosen all the rear wheel bolts and then jack the car and place in the axle stands in accordance with your cars manual.



Next remove both rear wheels and store the so as not to damage them.


Now with both the wheels out of the way you can see both of the offending articles on either side very easily. The drop link is Red and the ARB bush is Green. Give all the nuts a good soak in WD40 and then go and have a good cup of tea (or watch a bit of F1 in my case)



Now you can remove the nuts holding the Drop links on, you need a 15mm spanner (this is where I wished I bought a ratchet spanner set) and a 5mm Allen key to stop the ball the whole thing from spinning as you attempt to undo it, the bottom ones are a bit more fiddly due to the hub, calliper and handbrake cable being in the way but with a bit of fiddling you will get there



Once that is done you should just be able to pull them out and replace with a new shiny one!


Then just pop the new one in and tighten up the nuts
